MS 839 administration and the 8th Grade Committee are hard at work to ensure a fun, celebratory, and memorable end-of-year for all of our 8th graders!
Senior dues of $125 per student will help the PTA cover costs for an exciting lineup of memorable activities and souvenirs to close out their year. 8th grade activities will soon commence. Please pay your 8th grade student’s dues as soon as possible. Thank you! Note that all eighth graders will be able to participate in ALL of these activities regardless of payment.
Eighth grade students can look forward to:
- Graduation Ceremony — Tuesday June 25th
- Class Trip — Monday June 24th
- 8th Grade Dance — Tuesday June 18th
- Yearbook
- Passages Pins
- Class T-shirt
- Graduation Rehearsal Breakfast
In line with MS 839’s values, equity is top-of-mind as 8th grade activities and dues have been determined. These dues do not cover all expenses associated with these activities; in fact, they only cover about half. However, the 8th Grade Committee and the PTA work together to keep dues per student at a minimum in order to keep participation as high as possible.
Payment and Donation Options:
Payment options include:
- One Time: Make a one-time payment of $125 for your MS 839 8th grader.
- Support Others: Help sponsor more 8th graders by donating an additional amount.
- Pay What You Can: Pay any amount that is comfortable for your family “other” field on the PayPal page, or using another method described below.
- Installments: Make separate payments of $50, $50, and $25. Note, we do not have an automated payment plan option, so you will need to remember to pay your installments.
Payment Methods:
• ONLINE Click here or scan this QR Code:

• CHECKS should be made out to “M.S. 839 PTA.” In the Memo write “8th Grade Dues.” Drop off or mail checks to: M.S. 839 PTA, Attn: PTA Treasurer, 713 Caton Avenue, RM 420, Brooklyn, NY 11218
• CASH can be placed in the PTA’s drop box, which is located in the Room 420 of the school, given directly to any member of the 8th Grade Committee, or to your Senior’s Crew Leader. Please place cash in a sealed envelope, and on the outside write: M.S. 839 PTA, 8th Grade Dues, [Your Student’s Name]
Please pay all 8th Grade Dues by April 1st, 2024
Direct Questions To:
8th Grade Committee Co-Chairs: Kristen Kusama-Hinte and Alessandra Lacavaro