
Clubs at MS 839 let students explore new interests or further develop a hobby, and develop socially outside the classroom. Depending on the club, they may meet during lunch or after school. This year, we have over a dozen clubs for students to choose from: French Club, Student Council, Multicultural Club, Queer Book Club, Yearbook, Peer Mediation, Just Words Reading Club, Soccer Team, Basketball Team, Volleyball Team, Poetry Club, Running Club, Spring Musical, and NeST (our student tech team).
We have a Soccer Team, Basketball Team, Volleyball Team, and a Running Club. Our teams scrimmage with other schools, and there are weekend tournaments.
All students are eligible for free breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is available starting at 8 AM until 8:40 AM. Students arriving between 8:40 AM and 9:00 AM can grab a bagged breakfast that they can eat in first period, after morning meeting. Weather permitting, students have outdoor recess before or after lunch.
Hours and Sample Schedules (update coming soon)
School Starts September 7, 2023
School Hours:
M, T, Th, F –> 8:50 – 3:30
Wednesdays –> 8:50 – 2:30 PM
La escuela comienza el 7 de septiembre de 2023
Horas de escuela:
lunes, martes, jueves, viernes –> 8:50 – 3:30
Miércoles –> 8:50 – 2:30 p.m.
বিদ্যালয় 7 সেপ্টেম্বর, 2023 এ শুরু হয়
স্কুলের ঘন্টা:
M, T, Th, F –> 8:50 – 3:30
বুধবার –> 8:50 – 2:30 PM
Школа начинается 7 сентября 2023 г.
Школьное время:
Пн, В, Чт, Пт –> 8:50 – 3:30
Среда –> 20:50 – 14:30